Our Roundtable Discussion initiative was created in the Spring of 2019 to provide a new dimension to the legal research and discourse that the Columbia Undergraduate Law Review aims to promote. In Fall of 2020, CULR began its first collaborative Roundtable series with the Cambridge University Law Society’s Per Incuriam. In Spring 2021, CULR began collaborating on Roundtable with the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal (PULJ).
For each roundtable discussion, CULR staff writers are asked to respond to a prompt or issue from their own perspective. With various voices engaged in the discussion of a single legal issue, Roundtable highlights the multi-faceted nature of law in a digestible and accessible way.
Roundtable features original pieces written and edited by our Roundtable staff at Columbia. They are not representative of any views held by the Columbia Undergraduate Law Review Executive Board.