ADA-Compliant Past Journals

Summer 2024

“The Paradox of Face Age Recognition and Children’s Online Privacy in the Age of Big Tech” by Emily Yi, Maya Anne Lerman, Rebecca Tang, Rivka Yellin

“A First Amendment Right to Censor: Social Media Regulation and Freedom of Speech in the NetChoice Cases” by Brigid McCabe

“The Need to Reevaluate the Strickland v Washington Test for Ineffective Assistance of Counsel” by Riley Gamble

Spring 2024

“How SFFA v Harvard Perpetuates Discriminatory Gatekeeping: Black Women and Legal Education” by Faith Wilson

“How Contemporary Courts Have Rendered the Americans with Disabilities Act Powerless” by Dante Rodriguez

“The Implications of Neuroscience and its Development in Supreme Court Cases Regarding Juvenile Sentencing” by Zander Pitrus

“Good Faith Gone Bad: The Distortion of the Common Law Origin of Qualified Immunity to Expand Police Power at the Cost of Civil Rights” by Gabrielle Linder

“United States v Rahimi: Originalism at the Cost of Women’s Lives?” by Liz Thomason

“The Search for “Truth”: Analyzing Florida’s Stop WOKE Act and the Tensions in the Current Framework of American Academic Freedom” by Karun Parek

 “Rethinking the Exclusionary Rule: Rights vs. Deterrence Rationale” by Anika Jain

Fall 2023

“A Divergence in Ecclesiastical Jurisprudence: How Courts Might Handle Intra- Church Lawsuits amidst a Surge in Non-Denominationalism” by Jason Chahyadi

“Corporations Are Property, Not People” by Stephen Dai

"To Be Discretionary, or Not to Be: The Immigration Question of Law and Fact”by Marco DeBellis

"Hard Work, Little Pay: How Independent Artists Struggle to Earn Money via Digital Streaming” by Nanda Deopersaud

“Is Chevron Deference Constitutional? Biden v Nebraska and the Major Questions Doctrine” by Nelson Takayuki Kanda

“Breaking The Grounds For Those Growing Up Behind Bars” by Nicole Nowak

“Taking Climate Change to Court: How A Human Rights Framework Can Help Plaintiffs Overcome Power Asymmetries in Climate Litigation” by Claudia Sachs

“Investigating Progress: The Complicated History of Title IX and the Difficulties in Legislating Equality” by Aislinn Sullivan

Summer 2023

“Enemy of All Mankind: Enshrining Universal Civil Jurisdiction in Human Rights Law to Hold Multinational Corporations Accountable in Our Globalized World” by Claire Marie Ellis

“Advocating Desertion: Can the Government Prosecute Seditious Speakers?” by Jack Gigante

“Liability in the Digital Age: A Critical Examination of Twitter v Taamneh and the Supreme Court’s Understanding of Content-Serving Algorithms” by Martina Daniel, Jay Bowling, Sebastian Pallais-Aks

Spring 2023

“The Treaty of Amity and the Power of International Law” by Avery Lambert, Martina Daniel, Inica Kotasthane, Alexander Lacayo, Corinna Singer, and Alyssa Wei

“The Next Military Revolution? The Legal Case for Lethal Autonomous Weapons” by Ali F. Ansari

“Modernizing the Marketplace of Ideas” by Eli Bak

“A Supreme Motivation: The Drivers of Senate Confirmation Vote Behavior from Bork to Jackson” by Austin E. Goetz

“Social Media Platform Regulation: Assessing the Grounds for Common Carrier Status” by Sophia Hlavaty

“Mandatory Arbitration in Employment: Precedents and Potential Solutions” by Daniel Iskhakov

“From Dartmouth College to Citizens United: The Bounds of Corporate Personhood Under the Grant Theory” by Matthew Jennings

“Invest in Justice: Economic Considerations for Representative Juries” by Christine Piazza

“In a Time of Crisis: Massachusetts Eviction Courts During COVID-19” by Qingyun Wu

Fall 2022

“‘Disperse, You Rebels’: An Examination of the Evolution of Gun Rights in America” by Hunter S. Rhoades

“Dissenting Opinion to Oliphant v Suquamish Indian Tribe (1978)” by Shera Bhala

“An Oliphant Fix: Delegalizing Rape in Indian Country” by Gabrielle Levy

“Comparative Studies of Indigenous Child Welfare Legislations in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and China” by“Jenny” Chaeeun Song

“The Precarious Right to Privacy” by Alexandra Velasco

“‘Plagiarism’ As Legal Language: The Influence of Amicus Curiae Briefs on Supreme Court Opinions in Parental Notification Abortion Laws” by Emily Sadutto

Summer 2022

“Raising the Temperature: Analyzing the Implications of the Major Questions Doctrine in West Virginia v EPA” by Shaurir Ramanujan, Adeline Larsen, Karun Parek, and Kendall Psaila

“Impact versus Intention: Fulfilling the Promise of Equal Protection” by Andrea Akinola

“The Broken Promise: Restoring the Constitution’s Guarantee of Tribal Sovereignty” by Arpit Rao

“Seeking Asylum Under Title 42: Weaponizing Public Health Law to Expel Migrants at The Border” by Alexis Fintland

Spring Transatlantic Journal 2022

“Social Media: Do We Have the Right to Not Be Offended” by Rushil Vashee

“Red Speech on the Docket: Free Speech and the Second Red Scare” by Nicholas Fernandez

“International Human Rights Law: A Case Study of the Persecuted Baha’i Community in Iran” by Rooha Hagharmehdiabadi

“How Roe v Wade Failed Us: An Examination of the Right to Abortion in Post-Roe Case Law” by Julia Shimizu

Spring 2022

“Failures in Baghuz and Kabul: Distortions of the Law of Armed Conflict in American Counterterror Operations” by Lyndsey Reeve

“Anti-Accomodation Court and the Continued Assault on the Definition of Disability: From 1990 to Now” by Marco Uustal

“Nude Dancing and First Amendment Jurisprudence: How the Pap’s Court Extended the Secondary Effects Doctrine and Lowered the Evidentiary Bar for a Total Ban on a Form of Constitutionally Protected Speech” by Sarah Chan

“Counter-Intelligence: Examining the Security and Press Freedom Implications of the 2019 Expansion of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act” by Anya Howko-Johnson

“Send Lawyers, Guns, and a Dispersal Notice: An Analysis of the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Its Application to the January 6th Capitol Riots” by Andrew Zach

“How Brown Died: An Autopsy into the Causes of Modern Segregation” by Theodore Greyer

Fall 2021

“Due Process from Lochner to Roe and Implications for Originalism” by David Haungs

“Erosion of the Asylum-Seeker’s Right to Due Process: Department of Homeland Security v Thuraissigiam Revisited” by Shreya Shivakumar

“Presidential Speech Acts in the Digital Age: The Illusion of Authenticity” by Kayla McKeon

“Re-examining Hoffman Plastic Compounds v NLRB under the Trump Administration” by Michelle Goldberg

“Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in an IP Address: The Tor Browser and Other Anonymization Measures” by Jonathan A Goohs Jr.

“The Impact of Penn Central Transportation Company v City of New York on Regulatory Takings, Due Process, and the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments” by Lucia Abele

“The Lasting Criminalization of Poverty: Court Fees, Fines, and “Implicit” Sentence Enhancements” by Gina Feliz

Summer 2021

“The State of Transgender Employment Discrimination Protections in the Wake of Bostock v Clayton County” by E.C. Rose

“Rule of Law v Rule by Law: The Doomed Fate of Hong Kong’s Autonomy” by Amy Stein

Spring 2021

“Unpacking White Revisionist History: Brown v Board of Education” by Destiny Harrison-Griffin

“Sex Crimes and Internet Lies: Who’s Responsible for Safety?” by April Mihalovich

“A Reimagination of the US Immigration Court System: Lessons Re-Learned After Four Years of Deepening Anti-Immigrant Sentiment” by Diana Pacheco

“Title VII’s Minimum Threshold Has a Maximum Impact on Some Employees” by Michelle Wolk

“‘In Such Manner as the Legislature Thereof May Direct’: The Independent State Legislature Doctrine, Election Contingencies, and Appointing Presidential Electors” by Jason T. Wong

Fall 2020

“A Reexamination of Wisconsin v Yoder: An Untenable Holding in the Modern Era” by Halina Bereday

“Disparate Impact of Surveillance: The Precarious Condition of the Poor’s Right to Privacy” by Luke Hinrichs

“Tiered Scrutiny and Tiered Wedding Cake: Implications of Non-Identarian Constitutional Protections” by Charlotte Karlsen

California v Texas and its Attack on the Affordable Care Act” by Aida Shipley

“Shallow and Deep Approaches to ‘Greening’ Property Law” by Witter Swanson

Summer 2020

“Freedom from Fear: Liberty and Gendered Violence,” by Sarah Lu

Spring 2020

“Campaign Finance and the Fundamental Right of Political Equality: How the Court Failed in Buckley v Valeo” by Tiernaur Anderson

Bowman v Monsanto, Genetically Modified Organisms, and the Consequences of Patented Life,” by Bronson Ford

“‘Our Home and Native Land’: Aboriginal Land Title in British Columbia, 1763-2020,” by Xiaoyu Huang

“Identity Speech—A Not So Risky Argument,” by Griffin Jones

Fall 2019

“Pedagogical Panopticon: Public School Surveillance of Students’ Off-Campus Speech,” by Michael Deneroff

“Freedom from Fear: Hate Speech as True Threat,” by Griffin Jones

“Toward Improved Indigent Defense Services: A Critique of Current Public Defense Practices and an Analysis of Reform Efforts,” by Marissa Uri

“Another Way to Promote Diversity: Class-Based Affirmative Action as an Alternative for Race-Based Policies,” by Jason Zhang

Spring 2019

“Formalized Federalism over Commerce Doctrine: United States v. Morrison, Violence against Women, and the Commerce Clause” by Genna Abele

“Unrepresentative Representation: The Reasonable Person Standard in Workplace Sexual Harassment Supreme Court Jurisprudence” by Carol Harding

“A Solution to Substitution: Balancing Liberty of Choice and State Protective Responsibility for Persons with Severe Cognitive Impairments “ by Natalya Ritter

Shelby County v. Holder: Voting Rights and Modern-Day Minority Disenfranchisement” by Isabelle Zaslavsky

Fall 2018

“‘There is No Medicine That Can Cure This’: The Right to Housing in France and South Africa” by Ryan Burgess

“Racially Discriminatory Admissions to New York’s Elite Public Schools: Avenues of Litigation and Reform” by Quentin Dupouy

“Revolution Unrealized: How Brown Failed But Why the Promise of School Desegregation Must Continue” by “Mark” Min Seong Kim

“Native Americans and the New Jim Crow “ by Nicholas Runnels

“The Prima Facie Right to Privacy in the United Kingdom” by Amika Singh

“The Other Side of Title IX: The Legal Case Against Public Single-Sex Schooling” by Robert Watson

Spring 2018

“Why Don’t Americans Hate First National Bank of Boston v. Belloti?” by John Czubek

“Implications and Potential Fallout from United States v. Nagarwala et al.” by Jared Kelly

“Banning Anti-Personnel Landmines: The Death of the Perfect Soldier” by Pranaya Pahwa

“Regulating Hate Speech on Facebook: Taking Control of the Twenty-First Century Public Forum” by Joe Rabinovitsj

Fall 2017

“Institutionalized Xenophobia: The Effects of an Electorate’s Prejudice on Swiss Institutions” by Nadia Almasalkhi

“Reforms with History: The Return of Prison Farms” by Darby Hopper

“The Religious Exemption: To What Extent Should Religious Organizations be Exempt from Civil Rights Laws?” by Emad Jabini

“The United States’ Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and its Implications” by Archita Mohapatra

“Hope for the Future or Unconstitutional Disaster? The Clean Power Plan and West Virginia et al. v. EPA” by Grace Weatherall

Spring 2017

“Justice Scalia’s Jurisprudence in the Guantanamo Cases” by Magdalene Beck

“Pathways for Equitable Education Funding: Assessing the Legacy of San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez in Equal Protection Educational Funding Litigation” by Sam Klein-Markman

“Prison Gerrymandering and the Systematic Dilution of Minority Political Voice” by Lindsay Holcomb

“Reframing Religion: A Rehabilitative Approach to Religious Rights in Prisons” by Basundhara Mukherjee

“Threatening Commerce: The Commerce Clause and Federalized Crime” by Claron Niu

Fall 2016

“Refugees or Immigrants? An Exegesis of the 1967 UN Convention on Refugees” by Tyler Headley and Thomas Yates

“Resisting Reluctance” by Bailee Ahern

Peruta v. San Diego Reviewed” by Andrew Frank

“Human Security, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, and Vulnerable People: Rhetoric, Solidarity, and Silences in International Human Rights Discourses on Syrian Women Refugees” by Margaret Goelz

Spring 2016

“Strict Scrutiny & a New Class of Plaintiffs: Legal Strategies in King v. Smith” by Sarah DiMagno

“The Gacaca Courts: A Victory for Transitional Justice” by Julian Bava

“Conscious Court Policy & Public-Private Part- nerships: Alternatives to Civil Gideon” by Fatema Ghasletwala

“Why and How the Legal System Should Be Used to Fight Climate Change” by Adam Scheps

Fall 2015

“Constitutional Disability Law in the United States” by Susan Huang

“Affirmative Inattention: A Closer Examination of Justice Powell’s Strict Scrutiny Analysis in Bakke” by Habib Olapade

“What’s it to You? Separation of Powers, Access to the Courts, and the Consequences of Restricting Standing” by Jason Clayton

“In the Language of ‘Because of’: The Inherence of Title VII Protections for Transgender Individuals” by Andy Kim

Spring 2015

“A Punishment Worse Than Death: Evaluating the Effects of Solitary Confinement in Light of its Goals to Deter, Incapacitate, and Rehabilitate” by Lawrence J. Liu

“Constitutionality of DACA: A Survey of Crane v. Napolitano” by Sahng-Ah Yoo

“Developed or Diluted: Examining the Definition, Interpretation, and Application of Crimes Against Humanity” by Nathaniel Hsieh

“Conceptual and Practical Issues of a Mosaic Theory of the Fourth Amendment” by Jacob M. Sena

Fall 2014

Challenges to Copyright and User Experience in the Electronic Publishing Industry” by Chase Brennick

McCullen v. Coakley: Picketing at Abortion Clinics” by Mia Dhillon

“Extradition Treaties as a Prism Through Which to Analyze the Shortcomings of Realism” by Jordan Freisleben

“Scrutinizing Scrutiny: The Enduring Importance of U.S. v. Carolene Products” by Shane Murphy

Spring 2014

“The Excessive Political Dominance over Doctors: How Texas’s Newest Abortion Regulations Violate Women’s Constitutional Rights” by Louize Fiore

"Assessment of the Legality of Intervention in Syria” by Jarret Huang

“Addicted, Pregnant, and Punished: The Cruel and Unusual Treatment of Pregnant Addicts” by Lilly Jay

“Plata o Plomo: A Bribe Or A Bullet: Corruption, Violence, Drug Trafficking and Counternarcotics Strategy in Mexico” by Georgia Pelletier

Fall 2013

“Analyzing the Privacy Standards of the Roberts Court through United States v. Jones” by James M. Bova

“Felony Disenfranchisement: Consequences for American Democracy” by Kathleen Gilliland

“Regulating Equality: In Defense of the Arbitration and Mediation Services Bill” by Hannah Ridge

Spring 2013

“The Natural Resources of the Arctic and International Law: How the International System Manages Arctic Resources” by James Marshall

“The Aggrandizement of Corporate Personhood: A Living Originalist Interpretation of Contemporary Corporate Rights Jurisprudence” by Alice Xie

“A Man’s Gun is His Castle? Re-examining the Implications of Incorporating the Second Amendment” by Colin Christensen

“The Biasing Effect of Death Qualification: How Juror Attitudes Toward Capital Punishment Affect Conviction and Trial Proceedings” by Tanner C. Johnson

Fall 2012

“Sailing through Loopholes: The Burden of Neutrality During the American Civil War” by Sam Berman

“Freedom of Exercise vs. Separation of Church and State; A Comparative Analysis of France and the United States” by Ruth Woodard

“©horeography: How Graham v Graham Shocked Artists into Legal Awareness” by Marygrace Patterson

“Repeal Rule 413 of the Federal Rules of Evidence: The Admissibility of Evidence of Prior Sex Offenses” by Connor F. Montferrat

Interview with Peter Awn, Dean of the School of General Studies at Columbia University, by Mark Heinrich

Spring 2012

“Dismantling the Powder Keg? Penal Moderation and the 2011 Realignmen Process in California” by Kaitlyn Tongalson

“Beyond the Veil: Shari’a Justification of France’s ‘Burqa Ban’” by Hannah Ridge

“Judgment at Tokyo: Crimes Against Humanity in the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal” by Joan Martinez

“International Competition Policy: An Overview” by Nikita Appaswami and Kaustav Kundu

Fall 2011

“‘The Personal is Political’: The Legal Justice System’s Treatment of Domestic Violence Victims from 1970 until Today” by Shayna Stern

Back to the Future: The Supreme Court’s Due Process Mission to Revert Punitive Damages to Their Traditional Role: An Overview and Its Effects” by Andrew D. Norwich

Washington v Glucksberg: Threatening Constitutionally Recognized Liberty Interests” by Taylor Purvis

“Multilateral Force: The Future for Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect” by Rebecca L. Salk

“Seventy Years Later: The Trials of John Demjanuk and the Purposes of Prosecuting Former Nazis” by Aubrey Jones

Spring 2011

“Rethinking and Reshaping Software Patents” by Aaron C. Koch

“Interest and Power in the International Criminal Court: Strengthening International Legal Norms within a Sovereign State System” by Alice Xie

“The Case for Reforming U.S. Assisted Reproductive Technology Policy:A Comparative Study of European and U.S. Approaches” by Vanessa Obas

“Religious Liberty and The Establishment Clause: An Ongoing Controversy” by Andrew Heinrich

“Note: Law in Practice: Organizing a Nonprofit” by Andrew Heinrich

Fall 2010

“Surviving the Storm: The Implications of Hurricane Katrina for the New Orleans Criminal Justice System and Public Defense” by Brent Beckert

“An ‘Unprecedented Debate’: The Real Foundations of the Argument in Favor of and Against the Citation of Foreign Precedents” by Daniel Guenther

“Judicial Decentralization: Institutional Interactions in Public Law Litigation” by Scott Maxfield

“A Comparative Study: Judicial Review in the United States & France” by Teresa A. Teng

“Measuring Backlash: Understanding the Diverse Outcomes of Same-Sex Marriage Decisions” by Alex Treiger

Spring 2010

“The Etruscan Chariot: The Legal Perspective on Its Ownership” by Svetlana Zusina

“Morse et al. v. Frederick: Dissenting Opinion” by Chandni Saxena

The Case for a Non-Renewable Fixed Term of Tenure on the Supreme Court” by Davida McGhee

“A Web of Context: James Madison and Source Selection of the Bill of Rights” by Alyson Cohen

“Do Urban Growth Boundaries ‘Go Too Far’ in Regulating Private Property? The Application of the Supreme Court’s Takings Doctrine to Oregon’s State- Mandated Urban Growth Boundaries” by Francis A. Weber

McCleskey v. Kemp: The Death Knell for Racial Equality in Capital Sentencing” by Veronica Couzo

Fall 2009

“Pursuit of Justice or Reflection of Political Reality? Why it is Unrealistic to Prosecute Winners” by Boin Chong

“Abraham Lincoln: The Whig Lawyer” by Robyn Gordon

Brown v. Board of Education: Impact, Symbolism and Significance” by Rachel L. Mark

“The Fourteenth Amendment in American Election Processes: Where Are We Going, Where Have We Been?” by James Dawson

Washington v. Glucksberg: The Right to Be or Not to Be" by Robyn Gordon

Fall 2008

“Religious Exemption from Israel’s National Draft and its Impact on Israeli Constitutional Law” by Ron Mazor

“Eminent Domain and its Effect on the Constitutional Rights of Americans” by Amy Sue Penniston

“Who is the Author of Harry Potter?” by Aaron Liskov

“Theory of Punishment” by Rommel Clemente

“Legal Theory: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Cutting their own Path: Women and the Law” by Mary Ann Bonet

Spring 2008

“From Rejection to Ratification: The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the United States” by John Cioschi

“The Student Bill of Rights” by John DeSerio

“Rehabilitating Motherhood: The Rhetoric and Politics of Breastfeeding in Bailey v. Lombard” by Emma Kaufman

“Collision: Old Thoughts and New Realities” by Ashley Baker

“All Skulls Are Created Equal: Do Hate Crime Laws Violate the First Amendment?” by Constantino Díaz-Durán